Wednesday, December 8, 2010

nine months and more....

Being overdue is definitely not fun. No longer are people pleased to see you.. no longer are you excited to see people either. Cause all they say is..." you're still here? "

haha and what kind of response are you suppose to give to that....recently I have retreated to a hiding position and have voiced out a quick yes...(cause I'm all embarrassed) why all this pressure to have a baby early or on time? Why did I give myself so much pressure? Now I'm at this hopeless stage where I have given up on the possibility of her coming...Every day, I think that today would be a good b-day for her... and then I wake up and the day has past and I'm again disappointed. So as a voice of caution for all future mothers out there. Don't expect your baby to come early or on time.. cause it's a painful disappointment. When I think about all this..Honestly I know I'm just so silly. I'm sure she just needs to grow and she will come when she is ready. I should just be grateful that she is healthy and well :D and that I get another day of full sleep :D Here is a pic of me two days before she was due!


  1. 9 months+ and still beautiful. I'm almost finished with your blanket and then need to bring it down to see you.

  2. I'm so excited for you! You look great! Good luck!!
