Sunday, July 24, 2011


So I got hooked... if you haven't discovered pinterest you might want to take a look. I loved that I can store away all future ideas without constantly forgetting them. ahh makes browsing seem more productive :P . Anyway, on my first browsing adventure on pinterest I learned about SOCK CURLs!! okay It's amazing. This is where you learn how to do it!

Here is the before and after. ( love my background :P)Took me about 3 mins to do the night before and the curls came out MUCH better than me trying to curl it with a straightener. They lasted pretty long too. Although next time I think I would do the bun tighter.

The only issue about this method is when Kiera woke up last night she had a hard time going back to sleep cause when I checked in on her she saw my bun and was sooo shocked and curious that she kept looking at it! Her big eyes and constant stare at my bun cracked me up and I kept laughing, but I guess I did look pretty funny :P.


  1. your hair is absolutely gorgeous!Too bad i already cut mine off :P

  2. You look beautiful... I may have to actually buy some socks! But, uh, is someone in the shower behind you? :)

  3. Oh my goodness, I just watched the video and I'm totally trying that tonight. Your curls looked so pretty! Thanks for sharing!

  4. i LOVE the results! i need to check it out and try it!
