Saturday, November 14, 2009
Life married
The myth that the first year is the hardest year of one's married life has proven false so far. What could be better than having a constant best friend to hang out with every weekend? Or having Someone to go along with your crazy ideas and listen to your new thoughts of life? Or having someone who is grateful for all the minor things you do?
Good thing I chose the right someone for me.
Jonathan and I have been busy with work and school. I come home with random stories at work such as I found a 7th grader in my trash can today. He comes home eager to read the news or maybe more eager to watch you tube. Our weekends have been filled with so many fun things. We got to watch The BEST PHANTOM Of the OPERA earlier this semester, and defeat the many many haunted houses at Knott's scary farm, see the spectacular at BYU, Board game nights, first carved pumpkin party with each other.. but my favorite thing is simply walking around the block talking about anything with each other.