Thursday, August 13, 2009

Honeymoon in Hawaii!!!!!!!!

We were blessed to go to Hawaii for our Honeymoon. It was surely fun to go back to the island. Since this is the third Summer in a row for me, going to Hawaii almost felt like home. I loved it. It was like a dream come true. How I've always wanted to share my Hawaii experience with someone special and that I got to. You would think that since Jonathan goes there so often he would have done everything before but nope! He never really enjoyed it like a tourist. So I took him to places he surprisingly has never been! On Oaihu we went to the Swap MEET, Pearl Harbor and the P.C.C. and ate lots of good good food!!!!!!!! Real Chinese food.

The second week we both got to go on a little adventure and go somewhere where we both have never traveled to before. The BIG ISLAND. HOME OF THE VOLCANOES! Jonathan was so cute and surprised me with a rental that had a comfortable top! ( which is my favorite thing in a car!) With the great vast landscapes we roomed free and traveled around the whole island. I have never seen anything quite this beautiful. The terrain changed every mile it seems. Hard to believe we were in the same place. It was fascinating. The black. yellow, green terrain that bordered sometimes black and sometimes white beaches. Our two week honeymoon.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

The day we became the happily ever couple

Wedding Party Details:
Athena Messick
Mother of the Bride

Owen Messick
Father of the Bride

Oi-Lin Chen
Mother of the Groom

Tei-Fu Chen
Father of the Groom

Sisi Messick
Maid of Honor

Tammy Messick

Awesome Cousin!

Tiffany Messick

Another Awesome Cousin..also to be Bride! Congrats to her.

Reuben Chen

Jonathan's Oldest Brother

Eric Chen

Jonathan's second oldest's brother

Jonathan Beutler

Jonathan's Brother-in-law

Jody Messick
Flower Girl

My adorable sister

Cody Messick
Ring Bearer

My cute brother!

Intro on us

Jonathan Chen, my Handsome husband is from L.A. He loves to hang out with me ( of course) and then his computer and then his rugby pals. He is a Master Student at BYU studying Information Systems. He is the youngest of five children. He is funny, smart, kind-hearted and talented. He plays the violin and speaks Tongan, Mandarin and English. He served a full-time mission in Tonga. If you ask him about it, be prepared for crazy stories.

I ,for those who don't know me, am from Hong Kong. I'm at BYU studying Chinese, Recreation Therapy and Non-Profit Management. When I have time I love to run, draw and write to do lists. I am the oldest of five. ( yep we are opposites!) I communicate in Mandarin and English.. ( sometimes Cantonese, when I want to tell secrets about Jonathan.)

How we met

Here is Chelsea's version of this beautiful tale

One beautiful Saturday. A young lady decided to serve her ancestors at a stunning palace. ( the LDS Temple) There, she was blessed by a man who placed his hands on her head as he chatted in broken pinyin. They parted never knowing if they would see each other again.

The stars aligned and the following Sunday. The man looked up from preparing bread and water to find to his amazement the same young lady, this time dressed in red, sitting among the crowd. He got up his courage and walked to where she was. She thought of nothing but discovered that he had capabilities to repair something she had broken. Knowing he would be gone for two weeks. She put him to work that night

That night she must have done something to the apple chicken quesadillas…because over taboo, infernal affairs and a broken T.V. He knew this was not the end to them.

Apart: The brave heroic man dreamed of her and saw her over the ocean waves and finally picked up his fancy apple cell phone and made the first move. HE TEXTED her!!! Her in Utah and him in Hawaii; they began their yellow brick road journey. They defeated the broken phone connections and the sister who complained in her sleep through their power that came from their similar attributes, likes and dislikes. Les mes, future goals, passions and funny quarks pulled them closer to the possibility of meeting in person again.

Sunrider’ products must be working for him because that possibility became real. She said yes for a first, second and many other dates… His big head gave him the confidence to continue to win her over with his fantastic resume

Together they lived a happy four months before they decided to be with each other for eternity. This happy couple are now busy planning the beginning of their marriage and are to be sealed in the Draper Utah Temple on July 3rd.