Friday, March 11, 2011


So recently I am way into food!!! And have made interesting things for dinner.It might sound strange but it actually isn't too bad...if you are daring give it a shot!
1) Corn beef slow cooked stew in a pita! Jonathan called it stewpita! It was good :D The soft corn beef with onions and carrots topped with Dijon mustard.
2) brie apple quesadilla inspired by Sisi's famous apple chicken corn quesadilla.
3) Chilli pitas.

What do you make for dinner that is different ? I want to know! I love unique combination :D

Here is my lovely husband who is willing to try everything I make and never complains about it :D

nap time project 4,5,6...

So I totally love this Black Board that I made from SCRATCH and you can too! I bought a cheap board painted it with tinted purple ( at home depot you can tint blackboard paint to any color you want!) blackboard paint and sawed ( YES I learned how to SAW! at Home DEPOT! With their saw that they have for people to saw the length of wood they want. I sawed four plastic thing ( don't know the official name of it) .. he called it mitering. Some nice home depot gentlemen taught me how to miter and helped mitered half of the edges :P cause it was tirinG!)

3 months old

I look at my hands all day. They are soo very fascinating. I like to eat them, watch my fingers open and close, and try to put the whole thing in my mouth. I talk to them often too. They are my sweet ten little friends. Sometimes I don't understand when they disappear and come out of my mouth.. That makes me mad :D

Friday, March 4, 2011