For all those who haven't been pregnant I feel as I should share my enlightened knowledge about what a pregnancy could be like. When I wasn't pregnant I heard all sorts of horror stories.. Such as you'll never sleep, you'll throw up all day, get super fat and you just feel miserable. While this can happen. I am giving hope to those who are worried. Cause I have been very blessed and lucky to have an awesome pregnancy thus far.
So I'll describe how my pregnancy was so that you get a more balance image of what it’s like being pregnant. The first semester: I was lucky not to have morning sickness and felt pretty good. I was still able to attend lots of work out classes. The main difference was that I needed more sleep and I would need to eat every hour or I would get strong hunger pains. So without food I was pretty miserable. But it was awesome because I could eat pretty much all the desserts that I would say no to originally since I could have 300 extra calories a day ;)
Second Trimester: Felt great , more energy. People are starting to notice you are pregnant. You start to feel something move within you! Very cool! Did not get nearly as hungry and ate like normal again.
Third Trimester: Everyone is helping you out. People are so friendly. They love talking to you. It’s like all of a sudden you are wearing a crown. You feel very special. Downside: My back started to hurt pretty bad after two hours or any activity. Positive: people let you go to the front of the line in bathroom wait lines or even grocery store lines. Awesome! For this trimester I all of a sudden needed 9 hours of sleep. But if I got that I had good amount of energy during the day. Negative: you pee a lot more. I would wake up two or three times a night to go. Make sure you put creams on cause this is when a little bit of strength marks starts to come. Also my brain disappeared in this trimester, so I had to start writing everything down and start apologizing for silly things I always seemed to forget to do.
Another awesome thing about being pregnant is no period for 9 months! Also being pregnant makes a great excuse to be lazy: P and enjoy me time until the baby comes. About Emotions/ hormones... It wasn’t too bad. I did have two breakdowns about silly things. But don’t we all go through that without being pregnant?
Therefore I have concluded that there will be somethings I will miss about being pregnant. I just wanted you to know that being pregnant isn’t all that bad and that it can be enjoyable and fun! About Labor.. hmm I'm sure it's another whole story. I will let you know what it was like for me :D