Sunday, February 7, 2010


This week was pretty exciting since I finished my LAST FINAL EVER! well for a while. The relief that I passed the course at the grade I wanted had me saying " I'm freeeeeee" all day. I was soooo happy! Now I have to face with myself and rediscover all the things that I used to do for fun before school dominated my life. Any ideas? I used to scrap book with Sisi, Make Jewelry, and paint. Hmmm maybe I'll start reading a book? maybe..... What to do with all this freedom! I'm almost scared of it.


  1. Yay I'm glad you're done! You should listen to audio books - that way you don't have to read but you are still enjoying the book :)

  2. Oh btw it sounds like this will be a good time to get one of those babies that you've been talking about :P
