Friday, April 2, 2010

Believe and become

What a conference! I went to a recreation therapy conference. People wonder what we do and why we do i.Some look at us and think we just play all day and chose an easy major to get out of school, only if they all could see the energy, power, and determination within all these professionals. People are in recreation therapy because they know it's a powerful modality to help change someone's life. These people don't dread to wake up to go to their job. They can't sleep thinking of what they can do different and better. These people work overtime from choice.
As the saying goes, "Your passion lies in what you think about when you don't have to think about anything". I have discovered that Recreation therapy is indeed one of my passions.

1 comment:

  1. That's awesome Chelsea!! You are amazing and can do whatever you believe it!
