Kiera's Baby Blessing
My family was able to stay with us this past week! We had so much fun with them. I loved seeing my parents take care of my daughter. It seems so surreal that I have come to a point in my life to have a daughter and be a mom and see my parents become grandparents. I loved watching all of them get so excited to play with her and to share all the joys that I have with her! It's fun being able to share the joy that she brings me with them. We were able to do a lot of fun things. We went to Medieval times, Ohop, the aquarium, and the temple. My favorite part of the week was getting the chance to bless Kiera. Right when the music started for the meeting I'm not sure what got into me but I just cried and cried till the end of sacrament. I was so touched by the spirit the whole time. I was so touched by the love that our heavenly father had for me to give me this beautiful daughter and to see her blessed. Jonathan gave a beautiful blessing and I was so touched by him and his ability to listen to the spirit and to say the perfect blessing for Kiera. I'm so glad that he is a worthy gentlemen. I loved seeing the priesthood also work in my little brother. It was neat to see him pass the sacrament. He is so grown up. During the fast and testimony meeting it was also so touching to witness Casey bear his testimony that was so strong and so simple. I also loved watching Sisi hold Kiera and see how much she loved her too and how she will someday be a great mother as well. My testimony grew that day. It grew especially of the importance of the plan of salvation and how it is crafted in a way to bring the purest joy.
My goodness Chelsea, I got the chills the whole time while reading this post!! I'm so happy that your family got to be there with you. I'm also jealous, and can't wait to meet little Kiera. I know you are a fabulous mother...