Friday, March 11, 2011


So recently I am way into food!!! And have made interesting things for dinner.It might sound strange but it actually isn't too bad...if you are daring give it a shot!
1) Corn beef slow cooked stew in a pita! Jonathan called it stewpita! It was good :D The soft corn beef with onions and carrots topped with Dijon mustard.
2) brie apple quesadilla inspired by Sisi's famous apple chicken corn quesadilla.
3) Chilli pitas.

What do you make for dinner that is different ? I want to know! I love unique combination :D

Here is my lovely husband who is willing to try everything I make and never complains about it :D

1 comment:

  1. He sounds like my husband. Reuben always eats everything I make, even the crazy combinations and recipes that don't trun out so well (except squash- but that's alright- I love it and eat twice my share!) Maybe these two are related?
