Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Intro on us

Jonathan Chen, my Handsome husband is from L.A. He loves to hang out with me ( of course) and then his computer and then his rugby pals. He is a Master Student at BYU studying Information Systems. He is the youngest of five children. He is funny, smart, kind-hearted and talented. He plays the violin and speaks Tongan, Mandarin and English. He served a full-time mission in Tonga. If you ask him about it, be prepared for crazy stories.

I ,for those who don't know me, am from Hong Kong. I'm at BYU studying Chinese, Recreation Therapy and Non-Profit Management. When I have time I love to run, draw and write to do lists. I am the oldest of five. ( yep we are opposites!) I communicate in Mandarin and English.. ( sometimes Cantonese, when I want to tell secrets about Jonathan.)

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